Consider yourself as a wonderful, great asset to family, friends, self
and the entire world.
With a refreshed spring beginning, invest in you. This new energy
will make all the difference.
Here are a few reminders below we all need to consider and they are:
. Earlier to bed and rise, in order to look sharp and alert.
. Stay prayed up, obey and read Gods word.
. Enhance your appearance and wardrobe to look your very best
with style and comfort.
. Spend money wisely and use common sense.
. Choose wisely in diet and please do exercise.
. Schedule and go to regular medical check ups.
. Appropriate recreation is a must.
. Spend precious moments with family or friends having breakfast,
lunch, or dinner with good stimulate conversations.
. Always network with others, you never know what you may learn.
. Empower and involve yourself with learning because knowledge
is power.
. Inspire yourself daily.
. Good conversation with laughter is good for the soul.
Best Wishes Always
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Excellent Recipe for Good Living!