taking the new and very best donations such as clothing, body sprays, perfumes,
shoes, jewelry, coats and other items such as pampers and hygiene kits as well
for themselves.
Other clients and myself have actually witness staff walking to their cars with
all the donations that were brought to the centers and missions for the clients
during work hours and after closing hours.
Each time when the women are told they can select clothing, shoes whatever on
the table or hanging up, there are only antiquated (hand me outs) items to choose
from. The new with tags and the very best donations are no where around. Is it
necessary to have women posing as the homeless (spotters) to assure that clients
are given their donations.
I can understand that staff may desire a few items but the question is must staff
take it all?
All staff working in such facilities need to know this is ridiculous and absolutely
out of control and that the clients outside and inside see what donations are brought
for them. Remember it's for the needy, not the greedy.
Note: If any of these blogs has been of any help to you, please
feel free to donate. Your love gift of any amount will be greatly
appreciated. Thank you for visiting our blog.
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