The act of blaming others for your mishaps in life. We need to take on our own
personal responsibilities in life for what we have and don't have. Stop blaming others
and making sorry excuses.
When you blame others for what you're going through, you deny responsibility and
perpetuate the problem. Stop giving your power away and start begin taking responsibility
for your own life. Blaming others is just another sad excuse. You and only you are
responsible for your life choices and decisions.
You are not accepting personal responsibility when you constantly blame others, view
yourself as a victim and feel others are causing all your hardships, life situations and
character flaws. You inevitably surround yourself with anger, resentment and negative
Begin to be responsible for your actions. Learn to accept and cope with different situations
that occur. Learning how to accept things the right way will certainly help you to stop
blaming others. Taking personal responsibility for yourself is not only the adult thing to do,
it's the right thing to do in order to remain happy, healthy and productive in life.
Be grateful. No matter how good or bad you have it, wake up each day thankful for your
Best Wishes