I have been avoiding this issue for some time because I simply did'nt want
to step on anyone toes at the time. Whoops!!! Excuse Me! NOW is the time
for me to address on this issue regarding the clutter on the sidewalks in skid
row downtown Los Angeles, CA. Yes, I'm going there and going to stay for
a few minutes.
I have to strongly agree with the Los Angeles Police Department and the City
of Los Angeles that the sidewalks should be clear and clean for the public to
It is eye soar and not of God and wellness to continue see people of Father God
sleeping, lying, sitting, standing in such clutter, obscene nasty, disgustingly dirty,
urine, feces smell areas day.......after day.......after day.
To my understanding an organization call (CAN) Community Action Network for
the homeless are serving and up holding such madness. I believe in advocating and
having a voice, power and opinion in decisions that are directly affecting us long as
they are right with common sense.
The Community Action Network (CAN) should have this issue regulated. A friend
of mine Vickie suggested a very good and wise solution, that is the (CAN) Community
Action Network should purchase a large warehouse where the homeless could be able
to store large items and clothing for free giving people enough time to find housing or
other permanent storage. Personal ID's, photos and important papers should be placed
in a tote bag that is easy to carry. The last option for this problem is to discard the large
items and clothing.
Just a gentle reminder and that is to change it up, plain and simple.
Best Wishes